Surely you know what is Facebook, because Facebook is not foreign in our world, even in the streets or in Television broadcasting was almost every second we see the symbol facebook. in the article I wrote this, I will try to add that you have a Facebook profile into a blog or website you, the way is very easy, follow Steps below.
1. Log in to your facebook
2. then click on profile menu
3. See the bottom left click on create profile badge
4. you could then edit by clicking the edit this badge
5. there are several choices in layout "portrait, landscape, two columns", select one and then the column contents Profile photos, names, Network, etc..
6. select the status you want to show
7. then save
8. after that there were several options to add the badge had been to various sites including "Blogger
, Typepad, other " Choose and click one. Let bloggers.
9. Once you click, you will be brought to the bloggers to add widgets that was. you will be prompted to log into your account
blogspot. if so, please save it and see the results change.
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